You’re getting dressed for an evening out – you’re looking good and feeling great!! You are wearing the perfect outfit with the most wonderful high heeled shoes. High heels instantly give you that feel good factor, making you feel glamorous and feminine with legs that look a mile long. What is not to like about high heels??
Ah yes the blisters they cause, the way they lodge themselves in to pavement cracks and how they find the tiniest uneven surfaces to get you toppling over. They are a mischievous pair and really need to be brought to heel (no pun intended). So how do you get from A to B without ruining your shoes or your feet? Even Cinderella lost her glass slipper at the end of the evening, and running home in bare feet is not the ideal solution.
One way Cinders could have tried was to mimic the New York commuters and wear trainers – but then you run the risk of someone seeing you in all your splendour with these monstrosities covering your feet. Would Prince Charming have been impressed? I think not.
This is where our own Fairy Godmother and new designer Janan Leo waves her magic wand.
Janan decided she no longer wanted a painful hobble enroute to a party, she didn’t want her feet to be in agony before she even hit the dance floor, and the graceful lady she is, she certainly didn’t want to mar her chic look with clumpy trainers.
So she set out to design a ballerina style pump which was both comfortable and beautiful, and would fold up to fit in to a little purse ready to just pop in to your handbag. But how do you carry your heels when wearing these flats I hear you say. Well Janan’s little purse cleverly stores a larger carrier bag that comes complete with a shoulder strap -problem solved.
It took over a year from the first idea to the official launch in May 2008. During this time Janan came up with the brand name CocoRose London and developed her fashion design skills at the London College of Fashion
Why stop at just rescuing the feet of party animals?? Savvy Janan realised other situations would also benefit from her concept of folding shoes and started to extend her range with these in mind:
The understated black satin Expresso Rush design is perfect for the office environment and commuting to and from the office.
Janan’s thoughts turned to the blushing brides. Were their blushes also caused by blushing aching feet? She set to work on creating the ivory satin Spring Snowflake so the bride could still enjoy the festivities after a full day on her high heels. Janan didn’t forget the rest of the wedding party’s tootsies and came up with beautiful pastel colours in leather style designs for bridesmaids and guests alike.
A more quirky design is the cream and black spotted Dalmationd design with its red satin bow – enough to put a spring in your step when shopping.
And we all want to travel in comfort and style – Janan came up with these first class designs and colours for just that reason - the pewter coloured Portia or deeper gold Cinnamon Sunflower designs.
Keeping her Urban Cinderella in mind and being inspired by the concept of style, convenience and practicality, Janan also designed a new, reusable, lightweight shopping bag called the Strawberry Bag. So called because it actually folds up in to a smaller strawberry shaped bag!
Her beautiful flats and Strawberry bags can be bought through:, and also in leading boutiques nationwide, in Japan and very soon, Italy.
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